I love taking day trips! Here in Arizona we have so many wonderful places to visit. I have only been to Tucson once and it was just to accompany George when he worked a night shift. So we got there around 10:00 pm, I slept in the hotel room while he worked, and then we left the following morning. Needless to say there wasn't much seeing of the sights!
There are so many things to do in Tucson so it was hard to narrow down what we wanted to do. There are still so many things I want to see so we will have to do another trip soon.
The first thing we did was go to Biosphere 2.
It was AMAZING! The Biosphere was part of a project in the 90's where scientists lived and researched for a few years inside of this air sealed bubble with different ecosystems. It includes 4 different ecosystems for research - the rainforest, the savanna, the ocean, and the fog desert. It was so cool to be able to experience these different climates and it was like we traveled all around the world in less than an hour.
The other really cool part was just to see the engineering genius that went behind this - between the cooling and heated water to control climate to the "lungs" of the Biosphere to control pressure, it all was so interesting.
After our Biosphere adventure we were starving and needed some food. Thank goodness for Yelp we found this random place to eat lunch. It was called Wings and Rice and you guys - it is seriously good. Whoever thought of the crazy combination between hot wings and fried rice was a food genius! Seriously unhealthy, but I like to think I burned a lot of calories at our Biosphere wondrousness.
After lunch, we headed to the Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures. Seriously, that's its name. It was full of alllllllll miniature things. I don't think you can quite grasp this. So many many many dollhouses. It was a little overwhelming and got old after a while, but that didn't mean I couldn't take many pictures for your viewing pleasure. :) Get ready for photo overload...
I think it was about at this point that my husband turned to me and said "I just can't look at another miniature thing, Heather." Since he was such a good sport about the whole thing we left promptly after that. It's just hard to believe that these are all dollhouses. I wish they were adult sized! I'd be fancy schmancy.
Have you ever visited Tucson? What are some other must sees for our next trip there?

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