It's Thursday! It's Bulletin Board day over at the TBA Open House Week!
Whooo's Filling Buckets?
Have you all ever read this book to your class?
I LOVE this book. I read it to my 6th graders and, yes, it's way too young for them, but it is the best way to teach on how to give affirmations to each other. I used Fun in Room 4B's Math Word Wall Pennants {
HERE} to create the banner on the bulletin board. The idea is going to be that students will write on a bucket outline template things they have done to fill other people's buckets. Of course, it's still the beginning of school that's why the bulletin board is rather... empty.
OK well the little pennants say "Whoo's Filling Buckets?" but yeah, that isn't really showing...
Here's my next gem ~ Classroom Jobs...
My teaching partner suggested that we have the same classroom jobs so that the students can rotate through the rooms and their jobs would stay the same. The only problem is that she has a job for every student in the class. I love that everyone in the class has a responsibility, however, how to display those jobs became a little tricky. Enter dry erase sheets.
These are life savers; you can by them {
That combined with a lot of printer ink created this interchangeable classrom job bulletin board. (whew that was a mouthful!)
When all 28 jobs change next month all I have to do is wipe and rewrite!
Don't forget to link up with TBA's Open House Week linky party.