Whew - what a week! I'm so excited about telling my big news towards the end! You'll just have to wait until the very end to find out!!
My mom is doing so much better from her stint in the hospital last week! I am so thankful and hope that she continues to get better quickly. I will be back in Texas in a few weeks so luckily it won't be too long in between visits. :)
I drove back from Texas on Wednesday and saw the most beautiful sunset ever! Sunsets are so magical to me and completely take my breath away. It definitely made the drive a little less unbearable.
We went and saw Neighbors yesterday and went grocery shopping together for an impromptu day date. When did seeing a movie and grocery shopping become a day date? I guess this is what happens when you get older. George and I love going grocery shopping together - does that make us dorks?
I have gotten a slew of new cookbooks lately and am excited to sit down today and scan through them today. Have any of you cooked with these before?
OK, so now here is the big announcement. Haha it's probably only really that exciting for me, but big news none the less!
A few months ago I took a plunge and apply to be a Curriculum and Instructional Coach to see where it would land me.
My interview was early last week right before I left for Texas and I accepted the official offer on Monday!!! I still can't believe I won't be in the classroom next year. I need to go pack up my classroom sometime next week - whew that's going to be a doozy! I know I am going to miss the kids and my coworkers, but I was ready for a change and am excited for new challenges and opportunities. I am not sure what direction the blog will take but I am excited to be able to dive into multiple grade levels and be able to blog about a wide variety of topics!
Don't forget to link up with
Doodle Bugs Teaching for your Five for Friday!