We did Jena Phillips' 100 Licks Lab on Wednesday and it was so much fun! This is such a great product and is such a wonderful way to celebrate the 100th day of school for middle schoolers without being cheesy. This is my second year doing it and the kids love it every time. You have to check it out.
Tomorrow we are on our way to Prescott, Arizona to enjoy Saturday spending the day with my husband's family. Prescott is the mecca of vintage shopping when it comes to Arizona so you know I am going to need to squeeze that in some how. I'm not really sure when, but I think it's going to happen.
I have drooling over these very cute hair accessories made by Giant Dwarf for a few years now. This seems kind of ridiculous, but I could never justify spending the money on a hair accessory so I just kept looking at them online while I secretly wished that we could win the lottery. Then all of the stars aligned and the clouds parted, and TADA!!! A sale! 30% and free shipping - and now these are coming my way.
I made these turkey taco lettuce wraps the other night and they were so delicious! Not only is it super easy and really tasty, but it's also pretty healthy. You have to try them as soon as possible; I am not really sure why you are still reading this because you should be making them... now.
Today is my Dad's birthday! I wish I could spend the day with him! I hope he has a wonderful day and has a special day that he deserves. :) Love you Dad!
Have a fantastic weekend!