1. Are you married, do you have a bf, or are you flying free as a single lady/man?
I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years.
2. Where did you grow up?
I was born in Texas, but spent most of my childhood in Charlottesville, VA.
3. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and what is his/her name?
Yes, two wee little chihuahuas. Milo and Olive are their names, peeing and barking are their games.
4. What is a favorite tv show you are embarrassed to admit to watching?
Pretty much any Bravo reality show. I am such a sucker for drama that I am not immediately connected to! The Housewives are my favorite. :)
5. Are you a saver or a spender?
I'm a a total spender, but I have great intentions to be a saver... I really do... well not at Target, it all goes out the window there!
6. What is your favorite children's book?
I loved any Greek mythology stories. I was completely obsessed with them. They were like my childhood soap operas.
7. Were you the class clown, teacher's pet, or neither?
I want to say I was the teacher's pet. If I ever got in trouble, I was absolutely devastated.
8. Who is your favorite athletic team?
Hmmm, I don't really have one... I know that sounds terrible. I just don't really watch sports, like EVER.
9. Where did you go on your last REALLY fun vacation?
I think any time I go home or see family I have fun! But I have to say, I think when my sister and I went to Vegas that was probably one of my favorite recent-ish vacations.
10. Who is your favorite actor? Actress?
My favorite actor is Stanley Tucci! Don't ask me why, I have no idea, I just love the man. I don't think I have a favorite actress.
11. Tell about the last time you cried because you were happy.
A couple of months ago, my students gained 12% on their benchmarks from fall to winter and while I told them how proud I was of them, it definitely brought some tears to my eyes! We all work so hard so it's nice to see the rewards once in a while.
12. What is your favorite season?
Fall! I love pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin pie, the leaves (oh wait, we don't have fall leaves in Phoenix), the clothes... I love everything about fall.
13. What is your biggest regret?
That I didn't go abroad to do my student teaching. That will always be something that I will always regret not doing.
14. What food do you just NOT like at all?
Ewwww, meatloaf!!!!!! Yuck! I love beef, but there is just something about a loaf of meat. Blech, it makes me shudder just thinking about it.
15. Who was your most memorable teacher, and why?
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Burchette in 2nd grade. I remember she let me stay after school to give me extra help on how to read a clock and I will never forget that. I still remember the masking tape on the floor and her having me stand on the hours. Teachers that put in that extra time for their students are invaluable and wonderful.